STOP • Using Heat ➡︎ START • Using Ice

inflammation pain pro-tips Jan 01, 2003
Use Ice, Avoid Heat



"You can OFTEN go wrong with HEAT. You can RARELY go wrong with ICE." - Dr Hasenbank.


🛑 STOP...Using Heat

Heat causes vasodilation (opens up blood vessels) to bring more blood flow, swelling, and pain chemicals to inflamed or irritated tissues. Heat may initially make things "feel better," but in the end, it will often "hurt worse" as a result. Heat accelerates inflammation like throwing fuel on a fire. It can take a bad situation and make it worse. WHAT CAN YOU DO INSTEAD?  🤷‍♂️


✅ START...Using Ice (Ice, Ice Baby!)

Ice causes vasoconstriction (constricts blood vessels) to slow blood flow and reduce swelling and pain in inflamed or irritated tissues. It may not "feel comfortable" at first, but it will often "feel better" in the end. Ice pumps the breaks on inflammation like throwing water on a fire. It can take a bad situation and make it better.


⚠️ CAUTION ⚠️ 

Avoid using gel packs or frozen metal devices that are colder than ice. These may cause frostbite on the skin and are more difficult to tolerate for an extended time. Bags of frozen veggies are good for surface bumps and bruises but will not cool deep enough for muscle or joint inflammation or irritation.



ICE+WATER Combo = ZIPLOC Freezer Bags with ice cubes and water halfway, zip, and apply directly to the skin. Use a Double Bag to mitigate leaking.



ALCOHOL+WATER Combo = 1 Cup Alcohol + 2 Cups Water (1:2 ratio), zip, freeze for 2-3 hrs and apply with a paper towel between you and the slush pack.



The ideal COOL-DOWN to WARM-UP Ratio is 10:20:

  1. COOL • 10: Apply for 10 minutes
  2. WARM • 20: Remove for 20 minutes  

Another way to consider this is to apply the pack for 10 minutes every half-hour until your pain and swelling are reduced and your ability to function is improved.



  1. PREVENT LEAKING: Use TWO (2) Ziploc bags and use a towel under your body just in case
  2. MOVE IT IN BETWEEN: Get up and move around to help fresh blood return to the area and flush out inflammatory and pain-producing chemicals. Joint movement blocks pain. That's why we shake our hands after smashing a finger.



Go to those who suffer the consequences of not using their noggin (aka Stupid Tax):

  1. SQUISHING ZIPS: Do not lie, sit, or stand on Ziploc packs if you don't want to clean up a mess.
  2. HARD PACKS: Do not use hard plastic or solid frozen packs if you don't want excessive cold spots or sensory nerve damage (burning, numbness, or tingling).
  3. NO PROTECTIVE BARRIER: Use a paper towel or tee shirt to avoid SKIN DAMAGE or FROSTBITE.
  4. MORE IS NOT BETTER: Avoid cooling soft tissue for more than 10 minutes. It's like being in winter weather or playing in the snow; prolonged periods of cold cause a compensatory throbbing sensation (reflexive vasodilation). Vasodilation is counterproductive because it increases pain and inflammation.






Why Chase Symptoms? SOLVE THE SOURCE to Feel and Function your best.